Twisted Survivor Org Wiki



Welcome to Tribal Council, Ice Monkeys.

Deception Island Dylan Deception Island Devon Deception island Danielius Deception Island Jose
Deception Island Trey Deception Island Gloria Deception island Jason Deception Island Johnny Deception island enzo

Let's bring in the members of the jury.

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Linus and Malik, voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Before you vote, we have some questions to ask you…

Dylan, who would you say is on what side, and who, if anyone, are the "free agents?"

Devon, how has the first vote set the tone for the rest of the merge?

Danielius, is this vote going to be as messy and chaotic as the last one, or more simple?

Gloria, every alliance must have someone on the bottom. How do you keep the people on the bottom from flipping?

Jason, what is the mood like at camp. Can game rivals still be friends, or is there a lot of anger and hostility?

Johnny, when am I going to run out of ideas for Tribal questions?

Jose, is this going to be a merge of pagonging or a merge of flipping? Will tonight's voting lines be the same as last round or different?

Trey, how does it feel to be safe tonight?

Enzo, how much is the fear of idols a factor in tonight's vote?


We ask that you write your votes down on the parchment below:

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Please send your votes, written on the parchment above, to your Facebook chats by 4:30 PM EST, December 2nd, which gives you 24 hours to vote. Failure to vote in time will result in a strike. Three strikes and you will be removed from the game. After you've submitted your vote, you may change your vote as long as you do so before the deadline. Once the deadline passes, all votes are locked.
